NUFORC UFO Sighting 29277
Occurred: 1971-08-15 06:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2003-06-19 00:59 Pacific
Duration: unknown
No of observers: 1
Location: Chateauguay (Canada), QC, Canada
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
A triangle or flying wing, lights could be seen on the bottom. A bright day, did not appear to be clouds in the sky. moved so slow, I c
I saw something as a child that I have told only a hand full of friends, my wife does not even know. No one wants to hear UFO stories from a child.
I can not remember the year, 1970 or 1971. I remember it being a warm day so it must have been late spring or summer. The sun was coming up and blue sky. I lived in the town of Chateauguay Quebec, Canada. I was on my way to my grand Parents apartment, they lived only I.5 miles from my home. It was a quiet morning, no traffic at all on the road, it was early, that much I remember. Perhaps 0600. I was riding my bike and I just turned down the street to my grand mothers place. There was a small open field to my left. Just then I had a strange feeling come over me, something said look up and there it was, about 100 feet or so in the sky was a plane or so I thought. It was over my right shoulder, I stopped for a second then rode my bike under the ship. It moved real slow, I was not scared at the time. I was not peddling either, just coasting along, and it floated like a balloon would. The color red sticks out in my mind and I don't know why. It was triangle shaped, more like a V or wing. Not really big, about the size of a jet fighter (plane). I saw lights underneath the craft. It happened so long ago I don't remember the details such as markings, engines, or glass. I know what I saw was real. The ship was so close to me I could have hit it with a rock. It finally dawned on me that there was no sound, no engine noise. All I remember hearing was a muffling sound. Like the noise your fridge or deep freeze would make. I still hear that sound now and then. I remember chasing after it but that's all I remember. I have been to Doctors and they can't find the source of the noise. I have seen Psychologist for years for panic and anxiety attacks. and my problem is I can not remember my childhood. bits and pieces and thats it.
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2003-07-16
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