NUFORC UFO Sighting 29131

Occurred: 2003-06-09 00:00 Local
Reported: 2003-06-09 22:01 Pacific
Duration: aprox 10 sec
No of observers: 1

Location: Vaudreuil-Dorion (Canada), QC, Canada

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object

object over Vaudreuil - Quebec

Monday june 09 at about 11:50 PM, i was outside in my back yard watching the sky wen i saw this strange light, first i tought it was a shooting star it looked like it was coming straith down from the sky. But the further it came down i could see that the object was more then a shooting star, the descent of the light(object) lasted about 2 seconds and a half, after, the object stoped for about 3 seconds that's when i could see there was maybe 3 or 4 lights forming the object. i cant say at what altitude the object was but it was below the clouds,it really appeared from nowere and got thru the clouds, the lights wer orange and redish in colour. after the object stoped in mid air, it went "south south east" from my position it was about the same height of regular plane that lands in Montreal Dorval Airport, i live at about 30 km west from the airport. (The airport RADAR must have seen this on there screens)The object i saw crossed the path of regular planes that take a west to est direction to land at the airport. The object looked like a flat square, the lights wer not blinking they wer steady lights, it was a cloudy night but i could see patches of clear skies,it cant be a sattelite because i could clearly see it below the clouds. I was Facinated to see this maybe someone else saw it to, its really sad that it lasted only a couple of seconds. I was hoping that it would return but it never did. The object was smaller than a commercial airplane but not much.

Im forgetting details but its pretty much all there. if you could contact the montreal Dorval airport and check with the radar controlers you should get something.

This is my first report on nuforc.

Have a good day.

((initials deleted))


Sighting also reported to Brian Vike in British Columbia, Canada, who spoke with the witness. PD

Posted 2003-06-10

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