NUFORC UFO Sighting 29119

Occurred: 2003-04-13 21:00 Local
Reported: 2003-06-09 15:29 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute

Location: Greenville, GA, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

sightings of Numerous UFO's

the witness was looking out her kitchen window on the evening of 04/13/03 when all of a sudden she saw a ball of bright red light. then she saw the ball of light split apart into numerous balls of red light. as she watched the light seemed to come closer to the ground. after about a minute she lost the lights behind some trees.

"i have interviewed the witness and founed her story to be real and i have also found out there was other sightings of the some UFO on the same night which seemes to make her story seem to be even more troughful. i also have interviewed another witness who has said to see the same UFO and another witness who has said to have seen a triangular UFO the next day over the area where the UFO was seen the day before"


We express our gratitude to Jared Radestock, a paranormal investigator in Greenville, GA, for sharing this report with our Center. PD

Posted 2003-06-10

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