NUFORC Sighting 2910

Occurred: 1997-02-15 03:00 Local
Reported: 1997-11-22 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2.0 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: La Puente, CA, USA

Shape: other

Summary : From a stand-still... to a one-second period of ignition... followed by one-second of what sounded like the after-burner of a massive- powered jet... then, silence.

appologies for the un-sure-of exact date. This could have been a few months prior to the date stated above, or a few moths after. It was approximately 3:00am and myself, and two friends (brothers) were standing in front yard, talking before two of us departed to our homes. All of a sudden, a noise sounded from the sky...a very solid-like sound which resembled that of a clothes dryer starting its first turn or two of the drum... but much, much more powerful and solid and what seemed like would be extremely loud...however, was shelled-like...retained to paremeters. This sound was approximately one-second in length. Following this sound (as in sequence of process) was what sounded like a jets exhaust...however, much more determined-soundinding, and of much more power. The duration of this sound was also approximately one-second. Reactions of all three of us were the same... which was turning our heads up to look in the direction of where these sounds came from and went to. All three of our opinions of the directions were within the South to Southeast direction (in the sky) from where first started and took-off in the directoin of the sounds and headed in the direction (opinions) varying) somewhere in the South to South West direction. I describe it as this> Something was sitting in a dead-standstill the sky and, was able to "start" (whatever it is that was started) and accelerate to speeds that enabled them to disappear (so-to- speak).

Posted 1999-01-28

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