NUFORC UFO Sighting 29034
Occurred: 2003-06-02 04:10 LocalReported: 2003-06-02 12:17 Pacific
Duration: 8-10 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Miami, FL, USA
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object
Too much coffee kept me tossing all night.My second floor bedroom over looks a 8x16 foot balcony with 2 floor lenth doors facing north.Lately I can look out these doors and see most of the Big Dipper in full. Last night at a few minutes after 4 am I awoke and I looked out and saw 2 disk shaped objects moving north parallel to each other. I knelt up in bed to see the second one pass the other. Than the first one passed the other and slow down. Both staying on the same plane. This happened 3 times when they both turned right or east. The speed was amazing. There was a commercial jet in the backround and I noticed it. The 2 objects diapeared. There were no blinking lights on either object. They both had the color of etched glass. A light source that seemed to come from within. I would estimate the distance from me of between 2000-4000 feet away.
I called the regional airport control tower that was right under their path. No one answered. I called back at 7 am and they said that no one is in the tower till 6am but they would give me a # to call. Here I am.
We spoke with this witness at considerable length, and we found him to be a seemingly exceptionally credible witness. His description of the two objects, and the manner in which they moved across the sky, and relative to each other, was quite objective and precise. Based on that conversation, we suspect that this report is quite accurate. PD
Posted 2003-06-03
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