NUFORC UFO Sighting 29033

Occurred: 2003-06-01 22:34 Local
Reported: 2003-06-02 10:40 Pacific
Duration: 15 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Arlington, VA, USA

Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Lights on object

2 cigar shaped lights travelled parallel with each other and then one shot up into the sky

I was driving on interstate 495 heading South towards Fairfax when I saw the UFO on the left side of the raod in the sky. It was about 10:30p.m. when this occurred. 2 Objects that were a faint cigar shaped light were seen travelling parallell to each other. They seemed to be stable at first and then the object on top seemed to shoot up into the sky very rapidly, while the object below travelled in a straight line until they both disappeared.

Posted 2003-06-03

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