NUFORC UFO Sighting 29027
Occurred: 2003-04-28 06:06 LocalReported: 2003-06-01 20:17 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Los Chavez, NM, USA
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Landed
Early morning, flying craft, thought it was helicopter til radical movements began, then it departed at high rate of speed. (See Photo)
We were up all night skygazing. At exactly 6:06 AM we observed a hovering craft directly to the south, approximately 4-5 miles from our backyard. We thought it was a helicopter, as it displayed numerous red, green, white, and blue lights and was seemingly just hovering. Suddenly the object ascended rapidly and radically, then moved very rapidly to the west then to the east, probably about 100 yards each direction. It then departed toward the east at a very high rate of speed. I was able to capture the object on a Polaroid 640 Digital camera. We do not know if others witnessed this sighting, but we would sure like to know. When I downloaded the images onto my computer, I was surprised to find the object was there more than once. It was very exciting, and the sightings continue to this day (June 01, 2003), only it is always different craft, sometimes multiple objects, and almost always, these craft seem to be aware of our presence. Three of us have become regular nightly stargazers, using two telescopes, two digital cameras, binoculars, and one video camera, which we have recorded some very amazing video. I was an officer in the Air Force over 20 years ago, and I know we have improved our technology a great deal, but nothing like this. We are as confused as we are amazed at what has been occuring just 25 miles south of Albuquerque, and yet, there is no news of these events or sightings, which is very confusing? Images submitted to Mr. Davenport.
We have looked at the still images forwarded by the witness, and on our computer screen, they appear to be tiny, indistinct, fuzzy specks. We do not know what the witnesses observed, but the images we have, regrettably, are ambiguous. We will invite the witness to attempt to capture the objects he apparently is witnessing on video or movie film. PD
Posted 2003-06-03
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