NUFORC UFO Sighting 29012

Occurred: 1992-12-08 21:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2003-05-31 17:30 Pacific
Duration: seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Exeter, NH, USA

Shape: Diamond

I saw three diamond shaped lights in Exeter NH back in the 90's.

This event took place close to 11 years ago. I was driving home to Exeter, NH from Kittery ME.

It was between 9-10pm and it was a clear cold New England evening. I was driving westbound on 101 (in Exeter) just before reaching the (Newfields Rd.) exit. I was traveling approx. 56 miles per hour but slowing down to approach my exit. This area of 101 was not populated at the time and my exit dumps into a typical NH country road. There was no traffic behind me but a car up ahead some distance.

Just before my turn I noticed three white lights above the tree line ahead (west) on 101.

I slowed down noticing they were lined up next to one another( in a row). As my exit grew closer the diamond shaped light furthest to the right shot straight up and disappeared. The one next to it turned a bit stopped and hung there a moment then flew off in a different direction ( to the left)and the last one went to it's left and also dissapeared from view. I had a passenger with me and we both saw it and looked at eachother after the event. I have told one other person this story.(My wife) I hope you enjoyed my recollection of this event. Not sure what I saw but I figured you people would appreciate this.

Thanks for reading this. ((name deleted))

Posted 2003-06-03

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