NUFORC UFO Sighting 29009
Occurred: 2003-05-30 19:30 LocalReported: 2003-05-31 14:58 Pacific
Duration: 30 sec
No of observers: 1
Location: Fremont, CA, USA
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
The craft skipped across the sky very fast without making a sound.
While talking on the telephone I was looking into my backyard through a sliding glass door.
I noticed a silver disk with a white dome on top flying overhead.
I ran outside for a closer look,this craft was moving very fast heading south.
It did not make a sound or leave a trail of any kind.
Im an aircraft mechanic and I know what conventional aircraft look and sound like.
I would say it was less than 3000 feet up and moving at several hundred mile per hour.
It was so perfect it looked like it was turned on a lathe.
It had the look of stainless steel or satin finished aluminum.
The dome on the top looked like white plastic.
twenty years ago I saw seven disks at night flying in a V formation.
They were on the very same flight path.
Witness is an aircraft mechanic. We have corresponded with him, and he seems to us to be a quite credible witness. PD
Posted 2003-06-03
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