NUFORC UFO Sighting 28994

Occurred: 2003-05-30 01:14 Local
Reported: 2003-05-30 00:37 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Chanhassen, MN, USA

Shape: Light

Very bright light close to house

An hour ago, my wife woke me up to take our oldest back to bed. She seemed quite awake and I assumed she was just getting into bed late for some reason. For some reason, something made a noise outside and my wife jumped. I asked her if she had checked all the doors before coming to bed and she had not, so I double-checked everything. When I was down in the basement (walk-out) I was checking the door to our backyard when I noticed the entire back yard was lit up. My mind ran through the various options and came up blank.

The light source (which I could not directly see from my location) was somewhere on the other side of the trees but must have been very close from how bright everything was - practically daylight, with shadows being cast from ABOVE the trees. I watched for about 15 seconds, then decided to get a better angle from upstairs, which overlooks the yard and our neighbors yard as well. By the time I went up 1 story (maybe 10 seconds to go up the stairs), the backyard was completely dark again.

I ran upstairs and asked my wife if she had seen the bright light. She said yes. We were both a bit puzzled by it, and a bit freaked out. She asked me to bring our oldest BACK to our bed (when does that ever happen?) and I opened the door next to ours with the little one. Somewhat jokingly, I told her I was going to use her computer to do a Yahoo search on "Chanhassen UFOs" - she said "DO IT!", so here I am…


We have attempted to correspond with this witness, but the e-address he provides is defective, despite the fact that he identifies himself as a software engineer. This report seems to be from a serious-minded source, but we are uncertain on that point, based on the error in the personal and contact data. PD

Posted 2003-06-03

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