NUFORC UFO Sighting 28993

Occurred: 2003-05-29 23:45 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2003-05-29 23:46 Pacific
Duration: 30 to 60 seconds
No of observers: 0

Location: Elbingen (Germany), , Germany

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Spliiting lights

I was in my Garden facing WSW and I noticed a white light going from my left to right. This light increased intensity and became exceptionally bright, I thought that it was an aircraft that had turned on its landing lights, but it was curious because it was way to fast and way to high to be a commercial airliner. After observing this light it then split into three seperate lights and disappeared, I belive I saw a small dull reddish light in the same path. I the noticed directly behind a dull red light moving behind the first light. The red light was moving at an exceptionally high rate of speed and appeared to fade in and out. None of these lights had any type of stobe effect nor could I ascertain any rotating beacons or other indications that it was a conventional aircraft. Directly after that, there was an increase in very fast moving aircraft in the same general area, I suspect them to have been military aircraft.


Witness suggests that date is approximate, a fact that we do not understand. He submitted the report on the date of the alleged sighting. PD

Posted 2003-06-03

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