NUFORC UFO Sighting 28989

Occurred: 2003-04-16 23:00 Local
Reported: 2003-05-29 07:40 Pacific
Duration: 45min
No of observers: 3

Location: Naples, ME, USA

Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Electrical or magnetic effects

2 in car followed by ship others around town saw

driving to a friends house in Naples late night had to drop off a family member get half way between town of liminton and naples when we both saw bright falshing blue/white lights in the woods the seemed to go away when they came back about a mile an a half down the road we kept driving the light is now brighter higher and more freakwent we drive on being followed by this thing i tell my friend to speed up but he dosnt want to break the speed limit after a few min he sadi screw it and the when he went to go speed the car started to runn strange and the radio went static we finally go about 5 miles from our friends house and a car went by us when i looked back to see the car there were no break lights that freaked me out even more i was about in tears we didnt sleep that night we both were wacthing each other like hawks as if we were against each other i had never been so scared in my life the dog barked all night the next day we went to the stor for our friend and stoped by my boyfrinds house on the way when he had seen the lights too in the stor about a hr later i overherd a guy talking baout how strang things were happening at nights around " these parts " it was strange


One of two similar reports from Maine, submitted by the same witness. PD

Posted 2003-06-03

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