NUFORC UFO Sighting 28988
Occurred: 2003-05-29 23:30 LocalReported: 2003-05-29 12:31 Pacific
Duration: approx 2 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Fort Collins, CO, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
Saw bright light that would fade and reappear travelling very fast.
My girlfriend and I were watching stars which we often do. A ball of light which was traveling very fast came into view. No clouds in the sky and no moon. The light then proceeded to fade out but then would flash and reappear, doing this as it travelled. I would say that the duration of the fade out lasted about 7 seconds before it would reappear. It did this about 8 times before we lost sight of it. We then saw about 15 other lights in the next 20 minutes and none of them moved as fast or faded out or flashed. Jets were also clearly visible and the object was definitely not like anything I have seen and I watch the skies like a hawk.
Posted 2003-06-03
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