NUFORC UFO Sighting 28975
Occurred: 1993-03-20 02:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2003-05-28 19:12 Pacific
Duration: ? explanation below
No of observers: 1
Location: Amarillo (south of), TX, USA
Shape: Light
I saw "dancing" round blue circles of light.
At the time of the following occurrence, I was 43 years of age. I was and still am a school library clerk. I was traveling home to Lubbock, TX. I was traveling much later than I planned to be, because of car trouble near Oklahoma City. I have seen "lights" that I have wondered about and some strange things before and since this, but have never been sure enough to state that I thought I'd seen a UFO. Of the following I AM SURE: During March of 1993 I was traveling south on I40 at approximately 2:00 A.M.. I was about 5-10 minutes out of Amarillo, TX. To the left of the highway, I observed "dancing," round, blue lights. They seemed to fill the skyline to my left. My best guess is that they were about half a mile away. There was nothing to compare the size with though, so I really have no way of knowing how far away or what size they were. Looking back, I really don't know why I was not alarmed by this. I was simply incredulous! It was such a beautiful and graceful display! They were too perfect and perhaps coordinated to seem anything but choreographed. I did not hear a thing. It never occurred to me to stop. I just kept on driving and eventually they were "just gone." To this day, no one has taken me seriously. I know what I saw though. I have never found an explanation. I've also never heard anything of this description. Please believe me and perhaps tell me that I'm not the only one that has seen this. Thanks
Date in March 1993 is approximate. PD
Posted 2003-06-03
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