NUFORC UFO Sighting 28971

Occurred: 2003-05-24 01:30 Local
Reported: 2003-05-28 12:48 Pacific
Duration: :30
No of observers: 2

Location: Vernal, UT, USA

Shape: Flash

There were strobing lights that were stationary then appeared to take off and fly away in an faster than possible.

As we were driving west toward Vernal on U.S. 40, we saw a flashing light that looked like it was perhaps an airport beacon. It flashed at a regular pulse. It was very bright white with a bluish tone. it flaired out it a geometric, multi-pointed, three dimensional star shape. i could see it for several miles as we approached. It was stationary until we were a few 100 yards away. Then, as it flashed it reappeared to the north(my right) and higher it kept going gradually higher and right more qiuckly. It excellerated at a slow to faster pace then turned upward and west blurring in its speed into disapearance. My friend and I were agreed that we saw the same thing. On our return June 19. Since my freind saw a sign for Ashley Creek,we new where we sighted the lights. There were empty fields and nothing in the area that could have caused the lights.


Witness describes self as holding a responsible position as a public employee. PD

Posted 2003-06-03

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