NUFORC UFO Sighting 28860

Occurred: 1996-07-15 23:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2003-05-20 10:31 Pacific
Duration: 3 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Wommelgem (near Antwerp) (Belgium), , Belgium

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Three moving, turning lightnings going to one direction who than suddenly dissapeared

I'm 18 years old now, when I had the experience, I was 11 years old. I live at the border of the city Antwerp, Belgium. I was in the garden in front of our house. It was allmost midnight and was giving water to the flowers at the front-door. I had my face to the door, as my brains suddenly "noticed" that there was something to see at my left side, because there was light shining in my left-eye. So I directly looked at the left, and I still don't know what I saw... There were three lights, in the formation of a triangle, they did NOT chance their colours, and there was NO light in the middle of those three other lights. When I looked at those lights, it was like th u.f.o. "noticed" that, because the three lights were turning like a circle and was moving slow to the right. After let's say 2-3 seconds they slowly dissapeared, I don't know the Enlgish word for that: they were just suddenly gone, like a candle that goes out... It was really weird, because it seemed like the lights just strted to move as I looked, and even mor weird is, suppose that that is the fact, the lights were approximately 30 - 40 houses further... I remember that I slept with a knife in bed for several weeks... I was really scared at the beginning, but now not anymore, if it really was extraterrestial life that's intelligent, then they wanted that they were spot... That's what I think... I know it's a long time ago for me, but I know what I saw, I'm not the person that reads a lot of u.f.o. books and stuff and I've got a normal life... Your site is the first one who I told this story to...

Posted 2003-05-27

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