NUFORC UFO Sighting 28801

Occurred: 2003-05-08 00:45 Local
Reported: 2003-05-16 08:20 Pacific
Duration: 3-4 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Clinton, MO, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams

circular object with 5 lights seen in Henry county

I am a phlebotomist at a hospital 15 minutes from where the event occured. I work the evening shift because I'm in the medical technology program at Central Missouri State University and go to school during the day. I was coming home from work after midnight like I have done for the last 4 years. I was headed south, and from the east, I saw 2 lights approaching. The 2 lights where up in the sky, but not too high. So my first response was that it was lifeflight (the helicopter used to fly critically ill patients from accident scenes), but then the thing got close enough for me to see that it was not a helicopter or a plane. This thing was really weird; So I reached for my cell phone and called my supervisor back at the hospital because I knew she would be awake and I could talk to her. I kept thinking no way! But this thing was right there. It was round, but it had edges kinda like an octagon, but I could not count how many sides it had. It was pretty big. The thing stopped on top of the high way (13), but a little to the right, so I was not directly under it, but could see it perfectly. Now I could see that it had 4 yellow light on the outside of the body and one big red one in the middle. The one in the middle had a beam of light coming down, but the beam was not red, it was yellow. When I say yellow, I do not mean yellow like a banana, I mean yellow like a regular light. I slowed my car down, but I did not stop, I was scared. My supervisor, who I was describing this to, asked me if it made any sound, and I could not hear any sound, even after rolling the window down. Then, the thing started rocking back and forth and the beam appeared to be sweapping from side to side over the highway. It did this 5 times, then, it was still again, and it took off in the same direction that it came, first slowly, then it totally disappered. I described the whole thing to my supervisor, we both were laughing, and I kept thinking, no way! But it did happen. I was not the only person wh! o saw it, there was also a car driving north, and I saw them stop too, but I did not talk to them. I kept driving home, and forgot about what I had seen. This is what keeps freaking me out. I forgot to tell anybody about the experience until I talked to my supervisor and she reminded me. I think the experience was just too traumatic for me to remember. After I was reminded, however, I remember the whole thing, I just wish I had pictures or something because I know how unbelievable my story sound. I am an honest person, actually, I am the most honest person I know, and anyone that I have told my story to believe me because anyone who knows me knows that I would not want to be perceived as a psycho. It happened, I hope there is an explanation to all of this.

Posted 2003-05-27

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