NUFORC UFO Sighting 28763

Occurred: 2003-05-12 20:05 Local
Reported: 2003-05-12 21:02 Pacific
Duration: 1.5m
No of observers: 1

Location: Daytona (South Daytona Beach), FL, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted beams, Electrical or magnetic effects

Light disperses in random pattern in Volusia County, Florida.

At approximately 9:05PM, Eastern Standard Time, I was driving my private vehicle down a side street next to where I am employed. I stopped for a red-light at the intersection of Dawson and Reed Canal Road. While the light was red, a pure beam of white light shone brightly into the night sky, tapering at the bottom, and flanging out at the top. The light went only a short distance into the sky and stopped. The light remained lit for 2 to 4 seconds, flickered shortly, and then dispersed in a random pattern. At that point in time, the car radio (including all of my pre-programmed channels) began playing a high pitched carrier tone sound (similar to a facsimile or modem handshake) on every channel. I picked up my cellular telephone, and the screen was scrambled, and there was NO signal. The traffic lights went out for a brief moment, and then flickered back and went into what seemed a boot-up cycle, going rapidly from green to yellow to red, back to yellow and then green. No one spoke of the incident, and life went on as usual.

Posted 2003-05-13

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