NUFORC UFO Sighting 28734

Occurred: 2003-02-23 00:00 Local
Reported: 2003-05-11 00:00 Pacific

Location: Oakland, CA, USA


Here is the info I tried to submit on your site- I got a fatal error.

Bright green light heading to earth at about 45 deg angle Northeast of Oakland Airport, appearing to come down just to the east of the Oakland hills. The object moved very fast and I saw no light/explosion from impact. I thought it was a plane crashing at first but it was a distinct, very bright green light that left no trail/flames/debris. We flew over the area about 1 hr later and saw no signs of impact.
This appears very similar to the light that some folks saw in Napa in December of 2001 (in your database).
I'm a professional and was very clear when I saw the light. I was heading to the Oakland airport for an early flight. This light was in the opposite direction of the airport and was definitely not a plane.


Time and date of event are unknown. The witness anonymously submitted the above text, but provided no details as to time and date. The party has not responded to our queries via e-mail, although the report appears to us to be serious minded in nature. PD

Posted 2003-05-13

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