NUFORC UFO Sighting 28648

Occurred: 1998-08-01 22:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2003-05-02 06:59 Pacific
Duration: 20 sec
No of observers: 2

Location: Rome (Italy), , Italy

Shape: Cigar

luminous and silent cigar flew low in a summer night along the freeway Rome-Ostia

Sorry, but I don't speak english and so I prefer write the description in italian.

L'oggetto, di aspetto allungato e leggermente luminoso, volava (presumibilmente basso) inizialmente a bassa velocità e in modo assolutamente silenzioso, longitudinalmente alla strada che percorrevamo in auto. Dopo alcuni secondi durante i quali abbiamo potuto osservarlo io e mia moglie, ha improvvismante accelerato, sempre senza emettere alcun suono percepibile, raggiungendo in brevissimo tempo la costa laziale (della città di Ostia -RM-) e sparendo così dal nostro punto di osservazione.


"The object, elongated and faintly luminous, was flying (presumably low) initially at low speed and absolutely silently along the road on which we were driving. After a few seconds during which my wife and I were able to observe it, it suddenly accelerated, still without emitting any perceptible sound, and in very short time reached the Lazial coast (at the city of Ostia) where it disappeared from view."



The Lazial coast is the coast of the Italian region of which Rome is the major city. If you have any need to respond, I would be happy to translate into Italian for you.



We express our gratitude to Dr. John E. Davenport, M.D., of Charlotte, NC, for providing the translation. Date of incident is approximate. PD

Posted 2003-05-02

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