NUFORC UFO Sighting 28638
Occurred: 1977-06-10 20:30 LocalReported: 2003-05-01 21:01 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Leesburg, FL, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object, Electrical or magnetic effects
My Cousin and I were behind her home in Florida. The home sat near a lake that was surrounded by tall pine trees. We were cleaning fish that we had caught earlier in the day and suddenly we heard a low rummbling noise and we heard something scraping through the trees. It made quite a mess and initially I thought perhaps an air plane had crashed into the copse when suddenly at tree top level a vehicle emerged from the pines. It looked like a large cruise missle except it was wider and it had a black glass cab. It was blunt in the front and honestly it put in the mind of the space ships on the TV series Battle Star Galactica. Right down to the dirty white color of the fuselodge this craft with it's stunted wings and snub nose and its glistening black glass, hung in the air hovering, just over a palme tree that sat in my cousins side yard, in just the way that cruise missles don't. It hummed and the flash something seemed to explde from under the black cockpit glass and suddenly the thing was gone. A bright flash of blinding blue light the static smell of ozone and it was gone.
Posted 2003-05-02
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