NUFORC Sighting 28573

Occurred: 2003-04-26 15:30 Local
Reported: 2003-04-27 11:14 Pacific
Duration: 15 min
No of observers: 1

Location: Fallbrook, CA, USA

Shape: Cylinder
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

white marbell shaped object

I was lying down in my front yard looking up when I saw a very thin white object suspended in the air. I watched it for a few minutes, then went into the house to get my binoculars. With the binoculars I could clearly see the shape, it resembled a white to bright silver barbell or capital I. I watched for few more munutes, it apeared to be moving slowly to the east as I heard the sound of military fighter getting louder then it vanished. I observed the jet, it was larger than a fighter, and it looked as if it going to the spot where the object was. The object was fairly large, because it was a fair distance away. I obseved this object for 8-10 minutes.

Posted 2003-05-02

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