NUFORC Sighting 2857

Occurred: 1997-11-15 00:35 Local
Reported: 1997-11-15 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 3 seconds
No of observers: 3

Location: Tucson, AZ, USA

Shape: Other

Summary : Traveling east on Speedway Blvd. and saw a bright white/yellow object with a red streaking tail traveling low from southwest to northeast of Tsn. Very bright and low in atmostphere. Two others in cars slowed and looked up at it since it was so bright. Moved somewhat slowly-not like a meteor.

I am a cameraman for ((Name deleted)) Cable Access Show UFO AZ TALKS. After the show we all go out for coffee. I left at 12:30 am on Nov. 15, 1997. I was traveling east on Speedway Blvd. just west of the UofA. Traffic was light, skies were clear and cold. As I was driving along I noticed a bright yellow/white object with a red streaking tail behind it. It was relativly low in atmosphere. It traveled from Southwest to Northeast and went down behind the Mt. Lemmon area here in Tsn. Two other cars aloneside me on Speedway saw it and slowed down to look at it through their windshields. It was spectacularly bright!! Was listening to Art Bell when he started talking about some "breaking news" and then went to a break.

Posted 1999-01-28

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