NUFORC UFO Sighting 28532
Occurred: 1996-06-15 22:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2003-04-24 10:43 Pacific
Duration: about 5 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Toronto (Canada), ON, Canada
Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object
The bright blue object moved very fast across the sky and it was visible as it went on front of the moon that it was sphere shaped.
This event took place several years ago while I was living in Toronto. I believe it was 1996 but don't remember the month or day all I know is that that night there was a full moon and that my window faced the west. My bedroom was located on a second floor and my window faced the moon at about 10:00 pm. I used to stare at the moon during the full moon stages through my window. On the night of the event, I was looking at the moon when suddenly I saw a sphere shaped object of small size, almost a dot. It was traveling from North to South and was of a very bright neon blue color.
The object traveled in a straight line across the moon at a very fast speed. I observed the object for about five seconds until it was out of sight. At first I didn't know what it was but it really cought my attention. Afterwards I tried to identify what it was and thought it could vave been a plane. The thing is that the object was obviously very far away and at the speed that it traveled at that distance away it could not have possibly been a plane or jet of any sort. Also, as it went across the moon, it was clearly visible as a sphere shaped object and still very bright although the full moon served as a background.
Date is 1996 is approximate. We have assigned an approximate date. PD
Posted 2003-04-27
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