NUFORC UFO Sighting 28528

Occurred: 2002-12-08 20:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2003-04-23 20:56 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 5

Location: Wilson, NC, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Electrical or magnetic effects


It resembled a flying saucer and was very large in size.

It's width was about the size of three houses. The bottom never touched the ground. It was just hoovering above the ground. It never made a sound, neither did it produce any wind around it. Put it this way; It was so quiet that you could hear the crickets outside. The sky was so clear that you could see the stars that night. It never came out of the nearby field where we had spotted it until we began to move.(we had paused beside the road when we saw it) When we began to move into the opposite direction that we were traveling, it also moved into that direction also. It was a very bright object that had small windows all the way around it. We never really got the chance to see the back of the ufo but I do Know that it's shape never changed. It was very calm and didn't appear to be harmful. It did follow us about a mile down the road and never came close. I do believe that it was aware of us. After awhile it later took off with excessive speed across some nearby trees. The only thing visible then was a bright light similar to the moon. It shot off in the air upward.

Posted 2003-04-27

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