NUFORC UFO Sighting 28522

Occurred: 2002-08-15 17:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2003-04-23 12:58 Pacific
Duration: 20

Location: Lancaster, PA, USA

Shape: Sphere

Silver oval/ball streaks across the sky, stops and moves on out of site.

I do not remember the exact date and time but it was during the month of August of 2002 the time was between 1630 to 1730. I was working outside in the back yard and looked up to see a silver sphere. The object was in the north and it was flying in the eastward direction. The object was moving to fast to be a civilian plane or a commercial plane at the altitude that I was looking at. I would have seen some type of wings, the rate at which the object was flying was extremely fast which is what got my attention other wise I would have just dismissed it as a plane that was going to land at the airport given the time of day. The object came across the sky and then stop for about 5 seconds from the angle that I was view the object would have put it just south of the Lancaster airport but still in the airspace of the airport. The object was stationary for about five seconds then started to move east again slowly and then just took off out of my view to fast for my eyes to follow. When I first spotted the object it was a silver dot and as it moved closer the object started to take shape I could see that it was an sphere and the object was silver in color. It was definitely not an airplane. There were no lights that I could see. I just discover this site 4/22/03 and would have reported it sooner had I known about it to have give the exact times and dates. I don’t know if or even how to find out if the airport had a track on the object or even if they keep a record of it. But that would be my proof of the event if they did.


Witness describes self as having considerable technical background. PD

Posted 2003-04-27

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