NUFORC Sighting 2841

Occurred: 1997-11-08 18:20 Local
Reported: 1997-11-09 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 4

Location: Saugus, CA, USA

Shape: other

Summary : 2 ships were spotted

two ships were spooted in the sky at about 6:20 pm on the 8 th of November. We have seen this once before in the same spot in the sky in late July. Of the two ships one was really bright and one was not very bright. The bright one was glowing a hot white color, and when viewed with binoculars, it had what appeared to be two rocket boosters, which were tapering off in width, and where at about a 120 degree angle from eachother. Also a white hot ring seemed to be floating around the ship. Sort of like some sort of force feild. The smaller ship was keeping a constant distance from the brighter bigger ship. Like it was bing controlled by it. The strangest and weirdest thing thathappened though was this bright band of light that crossed the sky. It was like a twisted plane or ribbon, twisting at the left, and then ging straight across the sky. Then at the right side or the end of it it looped and went up. Then it dissapeared. >From the beginning of the sighting to the end, the brighter ship moved down and over a little to the right. The smaller ship seemed to move a lot more. Then about an half hour later, the ribbon instantly vanished.

Posted 1999-01-28

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