NUFORC UFO Sighting 2835
Occurred: 1997-10-31 10:00 LocalReported: 1997-11-06 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: El Paso, TX, USA
Shape: Other
Summary : I saw what appeared papers swirling high in the atmosphere. They changed into two huge white kite like objects which then turned into two blimp-like objects which then began to fly southeasterly at the same height and rate as commercial jets, but were much bigger. As I began to lose sight of them, I called my husband on the west side of town (20miles away). He saw what appeared as a shiny orb traveling southeasterly.
Standing in my backyard, around 10 in the morning, I saw what appeared to be a jet in the northeastern sky. It was climbing very high and very rapidly. Suddenly,in the northeastern sky I saw what appeared to be papers caught way up in the atmosphere . They appeared to be swirling downward. These "papers" took the shape of two huge white kite shaped objects moving together. These then seemed to turn into two huge white blimp shaped objects that were moving southeasterly one following the other at about the same rate and height as passenger planes. The sun was now striking them making them appear shiny. I called my husband who was on the west side of towm ( about 20 miles away). He saw a shiny orb that seemed to zig-zag. From his angle he may hane been looking at the two objects one flying lower than the other. This happened at ten in the morning on a bright sunny cloudless day and it seems to have gone unnoticed.
Posted 1999-01-28
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