NUFORC UFO Sighting 28319

Occurred: 1969-08-05 19:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2003-04-05 06:10 Pacific
Duration: 20 mins
No of observers: 0

Location: North Haven, CT, USA

Shape: Disk

UFO explosion and sighting

I have wanted to share this experience for years because I have wished we investigated it more at the time, but we did nothing. At one time, my family had twenty-five acres of very high land in Connecticut. Behind the house, separated by some distance, was a pool with a screened in porch. Beyond that, a very large, open meadow surrounded by woods.At thirteen, I was sitting in the screened-in porch with my younger cousins. They faced the house behind me, I faced the open meadow and woods. It was toward the end of the day, but still light out. It was then that I noticed two objects moving very slowly,traveling right to left, up above the tree line that skirted the large meadow. One was following the other. Moving slowly and silently. Then the strangest thing happened.The first traveling object just exploded. There was no reason for it. It just happened. It was a silent explosion. It just exploded into white and yellow burning light and its pieces just seemed to disintegrated as they fell. It didn't fall as a single large structure.It just broke up into chunks and each chunk- large to small burned up. There seemed to be some smoke around each piece or chunk as it burned, but no huge plumes.It just burned up and I saw little of it trail to the ground. It happened very fast. The strangest thing was that the disc traveling not far behind it was completely unaltered by all of this. It just kept traveling its course as if nothing had happened. Amazed, I ran inside to get the adults of which about five hurried outside with me. There we saw the surviving disc still making its way silently, slowly over the tree line until it suddenly,very abuptly, dove down sideways into the woods between two large trees. The only thing I could think of that could be of any interest there is that this is the location of a very deep, small pool of water left over from an old quarry.Yet, the disc seemed to almost instantly shoot straight back up.Changing its direction to come over the meadow and straight toward us! It went directly over our heads not any higher up than a large tree. I actually stood under it as it passed. The sun was setting in the distant valley below us, but it was still twilight with plenty of light to see. It was classic disc shape, flat bottom smallish hub on top- unified color. I seem to remember the texture of panels, but not sure. Over head it was a darkened metal color - yet as it traveled off into the valley below us and the setting sunlight hit it, I noticed it was shinning silver. When it went over my head I felt no fear, I think because there was no sound. It seemed surreal. I would say robotic! I felt no wind, no rush of air nothing. We all silently watched it sail off into the valley below us like one would watch a hot air balloon, totally unalarmed. All my aunt said was that it was a UFO and that she recently had been coming back on the New Jersey Highway with my Uncle when about thirteen UfOs appeared traveling down the road. She said people just got out of their cars and stared at them.We thought it was neat we got to see them. We didn't feel scared or threatened or that we had to call someone.I remain unfrighten by them. I feel they've been around for so long that if they wanted to have ended us, they would have done so long ago.I feel I am luck to know something personally about the world others have to still guess about.Yet, now I am left with intense curiosity. How did the craft and explosion emitt no sound? Why did the other disc following behind the first just keep going and remain unaltered? Why did it shoot so quickly into the woods? And most of all, why did it chose to come right over us. Did it want to see us too? I don't know, but I hope I get to see another UFO in my life time it was great!


Date is approximate. Witness elects to remain totally anonymous. PD

Posted 2003-04-22

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