NUFORC UFO Sighting 28263

Occurred: 2003-03-27 01:00 Local
Reported: 2003-03-30 08:33 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Manistique, MI, USA

Shape: Teardrop

Distinct teardrop light over Lake Michigan. (red&green)

A perfectly round bright red circle with a tapering green tail. Very bright and very distinct. Clean edges, with no glow or haze. Against a Clear black night sky over Lake Michigan, due south of Manistiques harbor. Appeared to be traveling straight down, and suddenly dissapeared totally. It was very high above horizon, and appeared large, but could not tell true size or distance. Nothing to compare it to. Looked very large compared to anything else in the sky.


Probable meteor/asteroid entering atmosphere. For video, captured by South Have, Michigan, Police Department cruiser, please see the following website: PD

Posted 2003-04-22

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