NUFORC Sighting 28069

Occurred: 1972-06-22 18:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2003-03-11 05:02 Pacific
Duration: 2 min
No of observers: 4

Location: Williamsport, PA, USA

Shape: Cigar

this is the adition to the report I sent with the same date, three more reports to follow

we lived on top of a mountian outside of Williamsport, to the south.. It was night and my brother was outside trying to shoot bats with a shot gun when we heard him yell for us to come out, we could tell by his voice some thing was wrong. it was dark with scattered cloud cover their was a bright moon back lighting the clouds. through the clouds we saw a cigar shaped object flying through the sky. it was just over the tops of the trees 25 to 30 feet in the air, it was silver in color with soft yellowish colored windows. their was no visable engines as in a plane, or jet, some type of landing system protruded from the sides, they seamed to be some type of pods like that of the lunar lander. their was no sound at all, it disapeared flying to the south, south west. the speed was not fast at all about 5 to 10 miles an hour. the lenghth was aprox. 30 to 40 feet in length and 8 feet in diameter my mother, father, brother and myself witnessed this. my brother and I are the only ones alive...

A few nights later we all were watching TV and since we lived out in the boonies my dad would go out side to take a leak. on this night he did his usual thing but when he returned he grabed my brother, the 50 cal. flintlock told my brother to grab the 12 gauge shot gun. my mother and I followed them out to the porch where my father told us to stay. about 100 to 125 yards away was the woods, these woods went on for miles before another house was seen. up in the trees were glowing eyes, hundreds of eyes, or we think they were. they say thay oposums eyes will give off a glow or reflection. so thats what we figured they were. my dad and brother walked up close to the woods but did not go in, they could not tell what they were.

the next night we were a sleep except my father he was watching TV and went outside to go take a leak. I remember him waking up my brother and again grabing some fire armes. looking out my bed room window with my mother about 50 yards away was a row of peach trees and some out buildings ( a shed and a garage ) there were 3 sets of eyes, larger than the ones we saw the previous night. where they were we had some rubarb plants growing so they must have been about 3 feet off the ground. they were grouped close together about 4 feet from start to finish. my father pulled the truck up into the yard just pass a stone wall that divied the driveway from the yard. he turned the lights on high beam to try to see what they were, but they werent bright enough. he started to walk twards them and my mother yeld at him to stay back. he stayed back by the truck for a while when I saw him and my brother take aim at them I could see the flash from the 50 cal. flintlock and the flash from the shot gun. both my father and my brother were good shots from hunting. the eyes never moved.

my father stayed out as long as he could, he did not shoot any more. we tryed to stay awake but we could not, in the morning they were gone...

the next night the same thing except they were on the stone wall. I was awaken by my father screaming to my brother to get down stairs. my father and my brother unloaded allmost every rifle we had... 44 mag. rifle, 12 gauge shot gun, 45 cal. cap and ball revolver, 222 rifle, 50 cal. flintlock. how ever many bullets these would hold is what they shot. the final gun my father reloaded the 45 cal. cap and ball and walked up to them point blank and fired directly into one of the eyes or where the body should be... they never moved. for all the shells we picked up the next day their was not a stray divit in the ground, no sign that any thing took place. that was the last we saw of the eyes

Posted 2003-03-21

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