NUFORC UFO Sighting 27962
Occurred: 2003-02-22 10:30 LocalReported: 2003-03-02 22:33 Pacific
No of observers: 1
Location: Auckland (New Zealand), , New Zealand
Shape: Sphere
two spheres captured on photograph Waitakerie , Auckland . NZ 10.30am Feb 22. 03
I was out tracking wild pig last saturday . I had my nikon camera and took a load of scenic photos as the weather was great and the view was marvelous from up in the Waitakerie Mountains . I took this photo looking west towards Auckland Harbour in the far distance .Dormant volcano "Rangitoto" can be seen in the distant centre of the Auckland Harbour. I did not notice or see the Spheres while taking the pictures . I just now loaded the pictures into my computer and I was surprised to see the Spheres on this particular shot , the only one I took that has anything unusual about it .
Photo was taken at about 10.30am 22.Feb. 2003 from west Auckland Waitakerie Mountains . Two Spheres high in the blue sky can be seen centre to left of photo . This is a first for me . I tried to magnify the spheres but they distort , so I could not view the spheres any sharper . I will be keeping an eye on our skys and keeping my camera ready . Photographer is semi retired Business owner .
regards, ((name deleted))
We have viewed the photos, and they do show two tiny black splotches in the distance. We cannot determine what they are. PD
Posted 2003-03-21
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