NUFORC Sighting 27875

Occurred: 2002-08-23 19:00 Local
Reported: 2003-02-25 00:00 Pacific

Location: Francois Lake (Canada), BC, Canada


West End of Francois Lake, British Columbia. Brian, from HBCC UFO Research a UFO investigator and his wife witnessed a strange object as it was dropping down behind Mount Harry davis in Houston, B.C. This took place on Friday, August 23, 2002. On the following Monday I had a phone call from a witness who also seen the cylinder shaped object and video tapes it. Also on the same night another two witnesses observed the same object at Francois Lake. They took pictures and sent them along to me. In their pictures there looks as if there are three of the objects. Seven witnesses to this event. Video clips are also at my site to view.

Full report,pictures and video clips can be found at:



We express our gratitude to Brian Vike, Director of the Houston, British Columbia, Canada UFO Research organization, for sharing this report. We encourage other witnesses to the same event to contact Mr. Vike directly at the following e-address:

His website homepage for Canadian reports, or ordering his newsletter, is:

All the British Columbia UFO reported sightings to HBCC UFO Research can be found at:


Posted 2003-02-25

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