NUFORC UFO Sighting 27874

Occurred: 2002-02-01 00:00 Local
Reported: 2003-02-25 00:00 Pacific

Location: Woodmere (Canada), BC, Canada


Woodmere UFO Encounter. On February 1, 2002 three women on their way home to Houston, B.C after a days out shopping in Smithers were approx: 3 kms east of Telkwa, B.C. when they watched a huge craft descend from the cloud cover to above tree top level. The object passed directly over top their van.

I interviewed the three frightened ladies and listened to an amazing story.

Full report can be found at:



We express our gratitude to Brian Vike, Director of the Houston, British Columbia, Canada UFO Research organization, for sharing this report. We encourage other witnesses to the same event to contact Mr. Vike directly at the following e-address:

His website homepage for Canadian reports, or ordering his newsletter, is:


All the British Columbia UFO reported sightings to HBCC UFO Research can be found at:



Posted 2003-02-25

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