NUFORC UFO Sighting 27866
Occurred: 2003-02-23 22:00 LocalReported: 2003-02-24 18:48 Pacific
Duration: 7 hours
No of observers: 2
Location: Puyallup, WA, USA
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby
3 bright looking stars that had red blinking,moved in circles and fast up and down motions at time stood motionless
went outside to get some wood was looking up at the sky because it was clear out usually in seattle area its cloudy. I was looking at a star I think and it started moving up and down I thought it was a plane or helicopter then it stayed still for a few minutes then it started doing circular motions. I watched it and yealled and my boyfriend to come and look and he said it was just because it was so cold outside the air was reflecting the light different and making the objects move. I went in the house got ready for bed and was looking out the window to see if I could still see it and it had moved in a differant area but was still very active then I thought it moved again but it was a differant one doing the same thing it also would flash a redish color once in a while. Then I thought maybe it was a satelite but I don't think they could do the circular motions almost playful like. I watched them for about a hour with my boyfriend then I went to bed and another apeared in view and did the same thing except it would go really fast up in the air and then drop back down and do circles to and s shapes. I finally fell asleep. They were far away enough that when they stood still you would think they were stars. Its going to be clear tonight so I'm going to see if they are still there or see if the stars are there? I have never seen anything like it and I've seen shooting star but not ones that go down and come back. Also I've seen satilites but they usually keep moving slowly across the sky. So I really don't know what I saw.
We cannot be certain, but we suspect the witnesses may have been looking at celestial bodies, I.e. either planets, or twinkling stars. Just a guess, albeit educated guess, on our part. PD
Posted 2003-02-25
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