NUFORC UFO Sighting 27840
Occurred: 2003-02-16 20:25 LocalReported: 2003-02-17 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5-10 min.
Location: Wingville, OR, USA
Telephoned Report:
A man telephoned the NUFORC Hotline to report that he had been looking out the south-facing window of his home, when he suddenly witnessed a large, dramatic fireball descend from right to left very rapidly across the night sky. It descended at less than a 25-degree angle of descent (from the horizontal), he estimated. The sighting lasted only 2-4 seconds, he estimated.
He quickly ran outside to his front porch, and proceeded to scan the night sky to the south, hoping to see any results of the first event. Within 1-2 minutes, he noticed five or six tiny light, the approximate size of small stars, moving from his left to right across the southern sky. He estimated they were moving generally to the northwest, and they remained visible for approximately 5-10 minutes, he thought.
The witness sounded to us to be quite sober-minded and credible. PD
Posted 2003-02-25
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