NUFORC UFO Sighting 27824
Occurred: 2002-11-27 09:30 Local - ApproximateReported: 2003-02-22 18:40 Pacific
Duration: 35 minutes
No of observers: 5
Location: Medley, FL, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object
While taking the morning break at work, someone expresed concern about a bright star sitting motionless in the blue sky, there were 5 of us wondering about such a curiosity, a star at daylight, in my case not new to me since I've seen Venus at daytime, It was about 09:30 am when I saw it, one of the guys claimed keeping an eye on it for already 10 minutes, it was sitting at a 50 - 60 degrees west of us and some very high cirrus clouds seemed above it since it was extremely bright and we decided that it was in the atmosphere, after about 20 minutes it started moving to the east, stopping every minute with some jerking play, on and off to the left and right then continuing just to do it again and again ( the last time it stoped was at a 90 degree angle right right above us then turned northeast disapearing over a cloud not to appear again.
Date is approximate. Given that the witnesses observed the object for an estimated 35 minutes, it almost certainly could not have been an aircraft. It may have been a high-altitude helium balloon at very high altitude, although they generally are not seen to move in the manner the witness describes. One of two different sighting reports from same witness. PD
Posted 2003-02-25
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