NUFORC UFO Sighting 27806
Occurred: 1996-06-11 15:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2003-02-21 04:18 Pacific
Duration: 45 minutes
No of observers: 25
Location: Seattle, WA, USA
Shape: Other
metalic v - boomerang shaped craft over pugit sound in broad daylight
it was about 3:00 when i got to my friends birthday party which was located on the top of a building in pioneer square.i had been there 5 minutes when i spotted an object riseing over pugit first i gave it a few glances and thought that it was a baloon or possibally a hang glider or something,but as i kept looking at it i thought to myself that it was too big to be any of those was broad daylight and the object hovered in one place for about 10 was a chrome metalic color and v or boomerang shaped.i told a bunch of people that were there to look at the object and they could not figure out what it was .then my friend brought out some bonoculars he had and at this point the craft started to move very slowly from north to south,which took about 10:00 to i got a very good look through the bonoculars it started to rise in ellevation,the metal on the craft started to warp and change shape,and it started fliping from one side to the other= v ^ < > but just kept riseing slowly until finally no one could see it any surprised i havent heard of anyone else seeing this one,it easily equeled the size of 2 stealth bombers put together and it was in broad daylight.i cant be sure of the date because it was some time ago but it did happen during the summer and there wasnt a cloud in the sky and what ever kind of craft that was it was huge. it was also definatly made of a metal and i did witness this event w/25 to 30 other people all agreeing on what we saw and what this thing did and for how long it did it.
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2003-02-25
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