NUFORC UFO Sighting 27766
Occurred: 1998-01-01 04:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2003-02-18 23:44 Pacific
Duration: 1 hour
No of observers: 2
Location: Huelo, HI, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted beams, Changed Colo
I've seen many strange things, from beings in my room to faces looking down on me, and I was not alone!!
Throughout the years this experience seems to have faded and perhaps just ahve been a dream. But the reality of it is that I was not alone, I was with my best friend, and it really happened. For about a year, during this time we were in an unpopulated area of Maui, My friend and I would nightly see strange lights moving in ways aircraft just does not. Everyone we told riddiculed us. Except for the other people on our property. They had even more bizzare stories to tell us, but those are thnere sories. It was believed to be a spot in the world were other life was drawn to.
Anyhow, One evening I was asleep, my friend in the bed, and I awoke with a sound of knoking in my head, maybe ESP? I looked out the window and quite close was a spaceship with colorful changing lights shining at us. I freaked out and punched my friend in the arm until she awoke. At that moment we both saw a figure standing at the end of the bed. Wewent under the covers and screamed for a while. then got out of bed as it was gone and the ship had backed off a bit. It stayed there until sunrise slowly backing away as we curiosly shined our flashlights at it.
We exchanged stories with one another and we both saw a tall figure with a huge head, she says she saw big eyes. This creature from another world had paid us a visit, without even using a door, though it did susconsciously knock.
Later on in life we've talked about this, and also realized that many nights we had both woken up with aliens looking down at us and we were unable to move. The strange thing is how it happened to us both seperatly but only on the side of the bed that was not against the wall.
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2003-02-25
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