NUFORC UFO Sighting 27730
Occurred: 2003-02-16 20:27 LocalReported: 2003-02-16 23:04 Pacific
Duration: 10 sec
No of observers: 3
Location: Richland, WA, USA
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Left a trail
Feb 16, 8:30PM, Blue / Green fireball moving NW to SE over Southeastern Washington State
While driving home around 8:30pm on Sunday 2/16/03 a flash caught my attention. I observed a blue green fireball moving roughly from the NW toward the SE and possibly desending. It was quite bright and had a firey tail. It dimmed momentarily and then was bright again. I lost sight of it behind a hill. The reason I thought it may be desending is I never saw it reappear from behind the hill. After the sighting I took a better look at the sky. The sky had a thin layer of clouds with some stars showing. In my opinion the object was below the cloud layer. My two daughters were in the car with me. They saw a bright flash which got their attention but did not have a clear view of the object.
Mr. Davenport,
I was looking toward the south. It was moving from right to left. I would say it's angle of descent was 30 to 40 degrees ((name deleted))
Posted 2003-02-25
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