NUFORC UFO Sighting 27720

Occurred: 1976-06-15 06:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2003-02-16 04:59 Pacific
Duration: 5 min or so
No of observers: 2

Location: Bonney Lake/Sumner, WA, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

June 1975 on Hiway 410 travelling from Bonney Lake into Sumner, classic silver-grey saucer keeps pace with us then disappears

My stepdad, Mom and I had moved to the Bonney Lake area when I was 15 from the Sea-Tac area. We had lived there maybe a month or so. I wanted to finish high school at Tyee Senior High instead of changing schools so my stepdad who worked at Mc Donald Crane in Kent would drive me to a friend's house during the week who lived on 188th and Pacific Hwy South (Sea-Tac International Airport across the street and Boeing Field is nearby too) and we'd walk to school. It was nearing the end of the school year and was a bright, sunny morning with no clouds in the sky around 6:30am. It was so bright that I could easily see in the truck and was doing my homework that I hadn't done the previous evening. There is a large clearing on the left coming down Hwy 410 out of Bonney Lake heading down into Sumner (near the Winery), which overlooks the Sumner valley, and some of Puyallup (Tacoma can be seen off in the distance). I'm engrossed in my homework and suddenly my stepdad (who doesn't believe in many things, especially UFO's) very calmly turns his head towards my direction and says, "(my name), Look at that UFO". He turns his head forward again to look out the windshield and never looked back at the UFO or me and neither of us said another word all the way to my friend's apartment. I raised my head and looked at him. Outside his driver side window (within the frame of it)was a UFO - the classic shaped kind that looked like two silverish grey plates inverted on top of each other. There was a dome on the top that looked like cloudy thick/heavy plastic. Underneath the dome where it met with the top portion of the saucer were big round bright white lights that were like strobes. They were blinking white or seemed to be rotating around it. I heard a whirring type noise but was unsure if it was the sound the extremely long antenna was making in the wind or if it was coming from the craft. I think my jaw dropped and I was completely awed! Didn't think to look around and see if anyone was looking because I couldn't take my eyes off of it. It stayed visually within his driver side window all the way down near the River Grove sped up out of the window frame and was directly above the apartments when it suddenly got a little fuzzy looking and completely vanished-quic! kly! I w as so amazed, happy but confused too by my stepdad's reaction. Couldn't wait to get to school and tell everybody what I seen but I think only 2 people half-way believed me. I didn't know where to report the sighting but KISW had a number to call. Was interested if anyone else had seen it but procrastinated too long and never did it. That incident put me on a quest that I am still journeying - I felt "special" and extremely happy that I got to see it. The experience and everything I have learned on my journey has enlightend my spirituality. Throughout my life I've had many strange occurences happen, not only lights in the sky, a very impressive encounter in Olalla, along but other types of paranormal activities as well. It took me nearly 15 years before I ever mentioned the incident again to my stepdad due to the weird reaction of his that morning and becuase he is so opinionated and closed minded about things I've experienced or believe in - thought he would explain it away and ruin my thrill. But when I did finally ask him many years later what we saw that morning, he laughed and said, "(my name, I don't know what that was)! His statement surprised me but reassured me that we had seen something very extraordinary - HOWEVER, whenever I bring it up to people in front of him, his standard answer then and now is that the craft was a jet and I'm crazy!


Date is approximate. Witness indicates dates in both 1975 and 1976. We will attempt to clarify the date. PD

Posted 2003-02-25

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