NUFORC UFO Sighting 27660
Occurred: 1967-05-15 00:50 Local - ApproximateReported: 2003-02-11 22:57 Pacific
Duration: 8 minutes
No of observers: 0
Location: Kent, WA, USA
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams, Changed Colo
First it was clear, like glass, than it turned to metal, purple and silver mixing, and than solid silver.
Traveling in my vehicle, May 1967,no cars on the hwy. 12:45 A.M. just got off work,clear night,First I saw a bright flash,on the hill,to my left,explosion, after a mile I saw another light, comming down from my left, searching,imeadiztly exited freeway, came out from overpass verry slowly,saw 35 feet away transparent saucer, size if compact car,I stoped and watched it materalize, first purple and silver and swerling and than all silver, and than a single dim light on the edge began to turn around the craft, no noise, after several minuts it began to move south,35 feetoff the pavement, a little faster all the time , till it reached 85 M.P,H. I was following right under it. smooth under belly, definatelly metal, no sound, no vapor trail,than a sudden right turn, no banking,two blocks,I,m still with it, sudden right turn again, I am still with it,1/4 mile back to freeway and end of street. I stoped shut off engin jumped out and watched and listened, no sound,it disappeared over the freeway to the north at aprox. 85. M.P.H. note I was with in 2miles of the Boeing ,space center in Kent,Washington. At that time I was an employee of The Boeing Co.and reported what I had seen to my boss and got no where. I reported the siteing to my father,in upper management with boeing, giving him detailed drawings of the craft. I asked him many times what was hapening to mr report,I got the brush offfrom my own father. my father retired supertindant of Boeing Field, he may not of known anything. I reported the siteing to the goverment as well, there were pictures in the local paper of a ufo taken in the daylight on the same date and poblished in the vally herald news paper and dismissed by the Air Force as model airplains, the photos were what I had seen that nighrt.
Regards ((name deleted))
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2003-02-25
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