NUFORC UFO Sighting 27639
Occurred: 2003-02-10 18:00 LocalReported: 2003-02-10 22:38 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Duncan (Canada), BC, Canada
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Left a trail, Changed Colo
A circular object ringed what looked like fire.
A witness called this evening using the new Toll Free Hotline from Duncan, B.C. to report he was walking his dog in the park when he observed a circular object with what he described as a ring of fire around it. He reported his dog was going completely nuts has this event was going on. I asked the witness approx: how far away was the object to his location, he said maybe 4 to 6 blocks away up in the sky. He also said the ring which surrounded the object would twirl around the main body of the it.
The fellow also mentioned there were a number of colors coming from it, such as blue, green, etc..
He also told me it would move up and down, when it got close to the cloud cover it would change to all the different colors, but when it dropped back down at a lower level the color changed to a orange. The chap also said the object seemed to take it's time moving up and down, watching the ring still circling the main body of whatever this was.
The witnesses dog at this time actually took a bite at his owners foot, as it was frightened of what was going on. The witness was phoning from a friends home and the dog was still acting up. There was no sound heard from the object. I also asked if he could give me a rough idea of how big this thing was, he replied that it was approx: the size of a dinner plate from the distance of 4 to 6 blocks from his location. The sighting lasted for about 5 minutes, before it disappeared. But while I was still chatting to the fellow on the phone he gave out a loud cry and said there was a bright white streak of light from where the object has been observed. He also said a short trail of some of the colors I mentioned above was coming off it as it disappeared. (If this had anything to do with the object or not, hard to say).
We express our gratitude to Mr. Brian Vike, independent UFO investigator in northern British Columbia, for sharing this report with NUFORC. Contact information for Mr. Vike appears below:
Brian Vike (Yogi)
Independent UFO Field
HBCC UFO Research
Box 1091
Houston, B.C.
Editor: Canadian Communicator (Paranormal Magazine)
Paranormal Magazine
Phone/Fax - 1-250-845-2189
Email -
Posted 2003-02-25
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