NUFORC UFO Sighting 27595

Occurred: 2003-02-06 21:00 Local
Reported: 2003-02-08 17:41 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Washington Court House, OH, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Large,round,orange balls of light,followed by fast moving craft in sky with strobe like lights.

My husband and I left Jeffersonville OH. on our way to Chillicothe around 9 pm on Feb.6th,2003. Between Jeffersonville and Washington Court House a large, orange light appeared in front of us. I asked if that was a plane and the light disappeared. We laughed it off as strange and continued. On the other side of Court House on East 35 the same light appeared at the 41 exit. This time it lit up for about 3-4 seconds,faded, then another to the right quickly blinked then went out and the light on the left lit up again. This got our attention and I rolled down the window to see if I could see anything. The sky was clear and cloudless. Nothing could be seen flying or moving. We discussed what these lights couldve been for the next 3-4 miles when we saw another of these lights again. This time we pulled over to the side of the highway. My husband pointed out 4 flying blinking lights on what we thought were planes. We continued driving to Chillicothe as I watched these lights.

From the speed I first thought they were jets. I rolled my window down and could not make any shape out or hear any sound. The lights were a single, strobe-like light on each one. The lights didnt blink in a pattern but would blink quickly, then would go off, then blink slow. This happened with all of them. My husband noticed one going left, then stall, and change direction quickly going back to the right. They moved into pairs moving around in the sky going different speeds. The lights were small and if it wasnt for the large, glowing orange light I wouldve never have noticed these lights. Im not sure of the distance. They seemed very far away which would make the speed they were going even stranger. Ive never seen any plane or jet move like these moved, or change direction, or speed like these did. At the Frankfort exit we got off rte 35 to get a better look. Two of the lights lined up, one on the left and one on the right. The other two came in and joined the line in the middle of these. Their lights then rarely blinked and the two on the outside began a patterned blink. As they flew away at one point all the lights in this row blinked and it looked like 8-10 separate lights in this row.

As they went back towards the west the two lights continued to blink on the outside and every now and then two lights between them would blink.

If I had to make a rough guess I would say the distance between the craft on the left and the one one the right would be around 1-2 miles. This was the strangest thing Ive seen in the sky. I dont know if anyone else noticed these smaller lights but Im sure many people had to see these large round orange lights.

Posted 2003-02-11

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