NUFORC UFO Sighting 27570

Occurred: 1974-06-06 23:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2003-02-07 00:30 Pacific
Duration: 10 min.
No of observers: 4

Location: Bells, TX, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted beams, Changed Color, Landed

Bright triangular pool rack 100 feet away 10 min. 100 foot length silent radical strobes blue green red hypnotic

We <4 of us> were heading home late that night from a ballgame. We were between towns out in the country in the middle of nowhere when I noticed a light to my left in the middle of a field about 200 yards away and about 100 feet off the ground. I asked what is that over there and driver replied it's probably a radio tower. I looked back stareing thinking that that didnt sound right when all of a sudden it lit up very bright sort of silvery/white. I told driver and we immediatly pulled over and got out of the car. We were heading east and this object was coming from the north going south. It was traveling about 2-3 mph or as fast as you would normally walk. So were watching this approach straight at us still about 100 feet from the ground. As it was just about on us they <3 witnesses besides myself> were freaking out saying it wasnt a plane, a ballon, or anything they had ever seen they were getting scared. I was in awe I had a grin on my face from ear to ear I was loving every moment. It was about 100 feet in length and shaped like a pool/billiard rack . It had 2 headlights in the front which were very bright beams like floodlamps yet the beams seemed to discipate and didnt project very far for as bright as they were. By now <3-4 min. later> it was directly over head. It was so close I could have thrown a rock up and hit it.

It was silent no sound I dont even remember hearing crickets which I thought was odd but maybe thats me. It was bright, glowing, and appeared like brushed illuminated alluminum it gave off its own light. It had 3 radical blinking lights on the back corners. Red, green, and blue radically flashing strobes with no pattern sort of hypnotic. It was so close I could see lines or seams on it's underbelly where it seemed to be put together. As it passed over about 50 yards lt went behind a treetop and stopped and turned off again. You could see this dark silloette sitting there parked waiting. I said "all right! Let's go check it out!" But they were scared ((badly)) and driving as well. They said "let's get the hell out of here!" and we left. I wanted to check it out for all there was. This might sound weird but when we were flying back home <100 mph scared driver> all they could say is "is it following us".

When we did get back home before we had said anything they asked us what took so long. It had apparently been several hours later which seemed only minutes. I was urinating dark green along with fowl gas for the next dayz. I don't care what you all think but thats the truth and thats the way it all happened.

From that glorious night my whole life / perception has changed forever.


We will attempt to obtain reports from the other witnesses. Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2003-02-25

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