NUFORC Sighting 27460

Occurred: 1994-05-17 20:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2003-02-02 07:58 Pacific
Duration: 45mins-90mins
No of observers: 9

Location: Millersburg, MO, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Electrical or magnetic effects

Strange lights in Millersburg

Sightings Started about a week or two before where a strange light was seen playing with an aircraft over Millersburg. Further sightings included lights moving rapidly then stopping at another point in the sky. around the date and time mentioned a ball of bright light was witnessed moving over houses and stopping around 1/4 to 1/2 mile away and 200-500 feet in the sky. The object hovered for around 45mins before it started to move away. Two police officers were called around to look at the object including a UFO enthusiast. He was baffled on what it was. All he said was "Its not a balloon or aircraft." There were many call ins about this sighting with many in the border area of Calloway and Boone county. Later in september in Fulton a strange creature was spotted. Creature had a big head with bright glowing eyes(like a cat), it could run at very high speeds withs its very small body and the weirdest bit was it was observed running on a lake/large pond and pausing for around a minute staring at the 2 witnesses before it ran off into the darkness.


Date may be approximate. PD

Posted 2003-03-21

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