NUFORC UFO Sighting 27370

Occurred: 2002-10-15 17:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2003-01-29 22:43 Pacific

Location: Tyler, TX, USA

Shape: Cigar

A cigar-shaped object flying near Tyler TX was shown as a still photo on Tyler's KLTV channel 7 but never discussed again.

This is about the photo you have on your web page with the article of a UFO seen on Monday morning, October 21, 2002, in Albany, New York, that had been photographed by a Fox 23 photographer. Your photo shows a cigar-shaped body with two sets of flat "wings" (like short tongue depressers) near each end. This IDENTICAL object was photographed in the area of Tyler TX about 3 months ago (maybe the same day?), and I'm sorry I don't remember the date. I was watching the evening news, and it was reported that the camera crew of KLTV Channel 7 (phone 903-597-5588), which is ABC, while getting ready for another event, had caught this "strange object" on their cameras. A still shot was shown on TV, and I saw it. It was an overcast evening, and the UFO was dark, perhaps brown. The announcer said she had no idea what it was. I set up to tape it later, but it was never shown nor discussed ever again, nor was it mentioned in the Tyler Telegraph newspaper. I figured then that the film would be confiscated and the news crew would be told to not talk about it, and that would be that. I didn't know at the time that I could report it to anyone. But I wanted to let you know this in case you want to pursue it. I know nothing more about it, but I'll keep my eyes open. If this should happen again, I'll report immediately. Incidentally, we get MANY chem trails over East Texas, and often--all sorts of patterns--and everyone complains of "allergies." Even the dog's eyes water most of the time.


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2003-02-25

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