NUFORC UFO Sighting 2723

Occurred: 1995-08-05 01:05 Local
Reported: 1997-10-12 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 35 min.
No of observers: 2

Location: Richmond, KY, USA

Shape: Other

Summary: While on the back deck watching for shooting stars an object shoot across the sky and stopped suddenly in mid air, a second object appeared and put on a great acrobatic act. Both objects would from hovering would dart across the sky and stop for 10 to 20 sec. and take off to a different angle and stop again. Both of the ufo's played in the sky for around 35 min.. The odd thing was that The ufo's would dissapear Around 3 min. before a commercial plane would enter the area. The next day in Wendy's 2 airborne division men in dress came in to eat. There is no air base near by.

Around 1:05 am An obgect shoot across the sky and stopped in mid air. Usually there is 4 to 5 guests that hang around but this time there were just my roommate and I. A second object was spotted near by. The ufo's from hovering would soot across the sky and stop in mid air. The objects looked like one of the clips from one of the earlier X FILES shows. Where the objects that were a little bigger than stars. would move in many directions and stop. The background was a clear night on the flat lands of Richmond KY . The ufo's would disappear minutes before a commercial airline would come through the area where they were at an appear later to put on a show again. Finally the ufo's darted off like a shooting star together to the west and would never appear that night. The next day we were at Wendys and 2 airborne division officers came in looking really tired from the night before. They didn't speak to each other hardly at all. They did look around the restruant at the people to! see who was observing them. There is no airborne or base nearby in the area exept for the chemical storage base that has no landing strip that i no of (i've have been there).

Posted 1999-01-28

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