NUFORC UFO Sighting 27169
Occurred: 1987-05-06 18:15 LocalReported: 2003-01-19 22:00 Pacific
Duration: 15 to 20 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: El Paso, TX, USA
Shape: Disk
Saw a UFO before my daily run.
I was in a park close to my home in a clear afternoon when I was excercising before my daily run. In one of my stretches, I bent over and went back up and something had caught my attention. I saw in the sky above me a saucer still in one spot. I took a good look at it (15 to 20 seconds), it had a white, metallic color on the outside with a shape of a disk with a dome on the top. I looked around if someone else was also watching what I was looking at. Nobody was, only me. I looked back up and the saucer was gone. I tried to see it in another spot in the sky, but didn't find it.
Date may be approximate. PD
Posted 2003-02-25
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