NUFORC UFO Sighting 27107
Occurred: 2003-01-16 07:00 LocalReported: 2003-01-16 10:12 Pacific
Duration: 1.5 hrs
No of observers: 2
Location: Dallas, TX, USA
Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
Object chased by Jets producing jagged contrails for over 30 minutes....
At 0700 central time, I noticed a large lit object , almost directly overhead...Assumed it was venus (as commonly reported)..The sun was not up yet, and I called to my wife to see the VERY bright planet. When We looked again some ten minutes later, it had moved about a foot at arms length. (too far to move for a planet in the short timeframe) Wife dismisssed it...Until fifteen minutes later, we both saw that it had disappeared! Ten minutes past that, as I drove her to work, we saw contrails of two VERY fast moving jets converging on the EXACT spot where the light had been. They crossed this same patch of sky over and over again in an "x" pattern seemingly searching for the object(approx fifteen minutes). When I returned home, I got binoculars to observe, and could only make out the contrails (puffy, and definately corkscrewed) converging again and again on this spot.(approx 30 minutes)..Then to my surprise, The light then reappeared (I could make out that it was round with shadow)! Both jets made tight turns and converged on the spot again....and as they were a foot away at arms length the light blinked off! as the planes crossed each other, I saw the light reappear to the south about two feet away at arms length!..Again, the Jets executed tight turns and converged on the same spot, only to have the light dissappear again. this occured two more times, and then the light disappeared totally.... I witnessed the short, jagged contrail-producing jets criscross that patch of sky over and over again until 10:30. I saw a multitude of commercially identifiable planes (S.West and American) fly under the area in question producing no trails...Did anyone else witness this?
We spoke with this witness over the telephone, and found him to be quite credible and serious-minded. We do not know what the witnesses witnessed. PD
Posted 2003-02-25
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